25,26 & 27,there is a mile to get it even!

I have been super-duper busy over Friday, Saturday and Sunday! Don’t ask! I m going to go on and elaborate it myself anyway :P.

Friday was all about Pranaya’s Graduation dinner!

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The whole day I was excited along with a bunch of 10 other very enthusiastic ladies about the dinner! It was the first dinner after 2012 (my friend’s had pulled me out for drinks after a year and half pregnancy and post) that I was going to have to dress up. Trust me for a mother who really thinks way too much about her post pregnancy appearance and spare sometime for herself to look decent it’s a bigger ordeal than anything else. But, I was feeling good about the whole excitement around the getting ready part! Woke up early and did my 30 day ab challenege (day 5) workout for today, followed by tea and clearing up the dishwasher. My son woke up soon after so did not have enough time to blog in the early quiet hours of the morning.

After the usual chores, we had to visit Walgreens. I locked the door and we went downstairs only to notice that we had dropped our flash card (door security) somewhere. Like headless chickens we kept looking for it downstairs and finally found it inside our house! What a waste of energy! My son enjoyed it thoroughly. As I thought of it, it was really fun :P. We returned our stuff at Walgreens and came home. Udeet was very hungry and I had not catch a breath.

I fixed quick and easy Cheese Parathas for dinner as well as for Udeet’s lunch. I chose to eat a Tomato sandwich. Simple and quick! (I hear you sisters, tomato sandwich sounds such a heavenly treat :P).

It was already 2 by the time we finished lunch! Time just flies with children around. Quickly gave him a wash and put him to sleep. Now, it was a ladies only dinner that I was to attend so had to make my hair look awe-less (from awful :P) too! Washed them and thought I would iron them out once my son went out with husband in the evening. I decided to work on Inspire Us story for the week. However could not compose a draft that could please me.

I would like to thank all of the readers for their fantastic response to Meena’s & Jyothi’s stories. They both have such an inspiring tale that writing them and comprehending them was a big task for me for I was concerned of losing the message while rewording or extrapolating certain aspects of the story. The one I m working on is personally important to my being and hence missed the Saturday mark. But, I hope that such a wonderful audience would understand my gust of emotions and would wait for this one whenever it fits the bill!

Anyway, by the time I was exhausted and looked at the time, it was 4 pm already! I made some hot tea and was about to pour it into cups when Rohan arrived. Udeet woke up with his daddy’s voice! The guys had tea and milk (Udeet would like tea but was given Milk J) and left for the new home (supervision) by 6. Alas I was on my own and started to iron my hair! I was ready in 20 minutes. What next? My excitement was on cloud 9 and killing time was difficult. So decided to put a red nail polish :P! So much for the dignity of vanity J.

Janki arrived in time so we left for Sino’s but stopped at Cute Flowers for a bouquet! We were lucky to get a parking spot in the parking structure! The stars were shining! The other group was going to be late and Meena managed the locomotion with great care J What say Meena?

But it was fun! I enjoy a little glass of Riseling after ages! The food was in moderation but fun was unlimited! I had a blast with the girls! We chatted and yapped but it was fun! The good food and chatter was followed with exercise :P. Me and Janki were climbing up and down to find out the car. The confusing staggered floors! And we laughed some more!

By the time Janki dropped me home it was well over mid-night! Udeet was fast asleep and Rohan was on the verge of! A fun event and I slept like a cushion!

Good habits rarely die, don’t they? J. I woke up at 6.30 am on Saturday morning and did my workout for the 5th day of Ab challenge! I am totally looking forward to doing it every morning! It is exhaustive yet very relieving! I did not wish to be affected by a glass of wine after 25 days of regimen with slow and steady results. I fixed tea for us and milk for Udeet.

We had a long schedule sketched for today!

Have you guys been through same sort of busy routines while renovating houses? We have been running out to hardware stores, stone quarries and lumbers for last few weekends. And yet haven’t been able to finalize on so many things! Is it déjà-vu for all proud home owners?

Our lease in the current apartment ends 25th of this month! So, it’s crunch time for us! There is still a lot of stuff that needs to be taken care of! This I believe is just the architect in me or is it the home-owner? The thought of owing a home hasn’t still sunken in well. I am still not ready to pack off and leave this apartment! The sense of belonging they say takes a while to go!

But, first things first! We had to visit the Natural Stones on Brokaw and Ikea in Palo Alto both! We had boiled eggs and bread sandwich for breakfast. Headed out to the stone place where we finally found our shade of quartz! Yay! It was pricey! Yeah all things have a big branding price tag! I wonder why?? Our contractor figured out a better deal for us and we are all set to go with it!

At Ikea we walked and walked. Sometimes with my son in hands and sometimes on foot, but we walked for sure! And we managed to decide on a Billy bookcase for the study after reviewing all the options there! Oh btw, there are great blue pottery coffee/tea cups there! They are a steal J. So, if you haven’t been there in a while do visit the place! My husband and son were hungry at 4pm and we decided to have a quick bite at the cafeteria in Ikea. Though it is complete gluttony, their fries are so delicious! I ate a few but stuck to boiled veggies that were there. The Mac and Cheese was also good and my son enjoyed it. I did not get a chance to eat but my son loved their Strawberry short cake! It did look gorgeous!

After a day of walking our son was determined to go to Target and get hot-wheels! We eventually got a tiny hot wheels aero worth a dollar! He was happy and we were tired. Rohan told me to rest and not cook dinner! We got a to-go from Chaat Bhavan! We had dinner and very so tired that I was snoozing on sofa itself in minutes.What a day it was! I hope to see decent numbers on the weighing scale too! Though there was eating out, nothing beyond moderation and lots of walking! So, kept my fingers crossed for Monday!

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Sunday we decided to take it easy. I hadn’t worn saree yet so wore a green georgette Parsi Gara work saree when we went out.Me & Ru visited our new house! Got to show them this saree!

My kid has been asking me to make Spaghetti with meatballs for a good long time now! I did not wish to feed him frozen meatballs and we don’t eat red meat anyway. Recently on a food group on Facebook Ritu Shrivastava shared her Shammi Kabab recipe and my mind was set thinking after that! So I made my version of the classic! Mine is called Spaghetti Makhanwala (with no cream or butter or milk with Shammi Kabab (Chicken patties made with little oil on pan) meatballs!

The adventure worked!! My family loved it!!  The whole whacky combination worked! I m so excited to share it with all of you!  I was looking for a perfect shami kabab recipe for a long time! Ritu’s recipe for those kababs was deliciously perfect! Udeet loved them J. So instead of just a thank-you, tell me when you could come over and eat this with me! I will be glad to have you over!

We had to visit our cousins Bageshree and Sameer today since Bageshree’s parents came from India early this week. It was so much fun to spend time with folks from back home. Udeet kept Sameer on toes and made sure he shared all his gardening tips with him.

It was really late by the time we came home. We weren’t really hungry so had hot chocolate while Udeet rejoiced on the leftover Spaghetti Makhanwala (with no cream or butter or milk with Shammi Kabab (Chicken patties made with little oil on pan) meatballs!

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What a weekend it was! Amazing J Ahh missed my 6th day workout today but I m going to skip the rest day on Tuesday instead J.

Saree Pledge Pact: Celebrating 4 weeks <3

The love of “Sarees” is an heirloom passed from one generation to the other in my family. I have always admired the gorgeous attire and began draping it sooner than expected from most girls born in 80’s.

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Luckily my love only deepened for this traditional piece of beauty. As I grew up, I had a collection of my own (separate from my Aai’s). My eyes caught fancy of silks and chiffons the most. The fabrics made me look leaner and were easy to maintain. I liked flaunting my (and my Aai’s) collection at various events while in India. Though my work was construction oriented and involved visiting sites (for supervision and meetings), I managed my Sareewell.

Things changed once I moved to USA after marriage. Though I carried my love for Sarees in my heart, it was difficult to flaunt it often for lack of reason or occasion. The first year I had brought with me (from India) from home a dozen Sarees! My husband wondered what would I do of all of them. He was right and I decided to carry them to India in less than a year L. I was sad that all the wonderful silks and chiffons, cottons and tussars had to be kept back into my closets in India.

Thereafter, I carried 3-4 sarees numbered for major festivities during the year. But, recently I had a brainwave to unify the women of the world through Sarees and shared my thought with Anita.Our conversations were lovelier than ever! And the group that we dreamed of was a success! The love went viral across the globe! The group was soon flooded with stories about sarees and details on their type etc. I was happy again! The tradition needs to live and passed to the new generation!

Featured imageA member of the group Deepta stumbled upon “Saree Pledge news on BBC and shared with me over a month ago. A Saree Pledge pact signed between two friends Ally Mathan and Anju Maudgal Kadam residing in India was the news that gained attention from all over the world. I was inspired

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No sooner after that news was read that I became a part of a Saree Pledge Pact with my friend Sheetal Kirtikar-Kulkarni who shares my love for Sarees equally. We embarked upon our journey together and decided to adorn Saree once a week. However, our challenges are different from those residing in India as we live in a foreign land. But, we made up our minds and decided to keep it an honest pledge for as long as we can.

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As a gift at the end of a certain tenure we plan to gift each other identical sarees, perhaps different colours J (I know crazy but we are loving it!).

Our acquaintance goes back to my days at L.S Raheja School of Architecture in Bombay. Pretty girl Sheetal was my senior and we always looked up to her for design solutions and concepts. She was one of the ace students of her batch. After she passed out, we lost touch. Thanks to Facebook,we connected again. She is extremely talented and enthusiastic mother of twin boys (Siddharth and Gautam) and stays in Minneapolis, Mn. We shared our love for food as well. She is an amazing culinary mind! Not only that, she has a great eye for photography. With so much in common, we happily joined arms to board on this journey I started 4 weeks ago and Sheetal joined me in the middle (last 2 weeks)! And, look how!

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(Sheetal’s journey is 2 weeks old but we have put in her old pics) Our husbands (mine is Rohan & hers is Jaydeep) have gone bananas with our new pledge! They are totally supportive but are wondering how did these mad women get a long lost twin? 😛 Don’t ask J .While they are having a crazy time laughing at our ideas we are having a blast with our rekindled friendship and love of Sarees!

Me and Sheetal welcome all enthusiastic ladies to join us in the revolution for re-incarnating Saree as an attire. This is a challenge based on honest commitment. If you cannot make it in a particular week, you would have to wear it twice in the next week! Are you ready sisters? If yes,follow our journey on this blog and share your experiences through mails!

Our closets are packed and all set for the next few weeks! My Aai shall be soon sending a batch of my sarees for fueling this challenge :P. Sheetal’s closet is all decked up and colour coded with over 50 sarees!

And in the words of true LSRiates (our alma matter), we say “Bol LSR halla Bol, Saree pehnke jorse bol” J (LSR girl- conquer the challenge draped in a saree J).

Any more takers to join us (me and Sheetal) ? Share your saree pact experiences on this blog!